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Compliance & Adoption Guides
Guides and resolution-templates related to IECC compliance and municipal code adoption. Assisting localities develop and implement energy codes.
Fact Sheets
Reference guides for energy code topics. Part of SPEER’s ongoing commitment to providing the best possible information about energy code compliance
2015 IECC Compliance Guide for Homes in Texas
2018 IECC Compliance Guide for Homes in Oklahoma
Texas City Code Adoption List
Oklahoma City Code Adoption List
Sample County Order/Resolution
Sample Inspection – Compliance Verification Form
2015 Lighting Requirements
HVAC System, Duct Sealing and Testing
Envelope Sealing and Air Leakage
Insulation R-Value and Installation Quality
HVAC Sizing
Residential Inspection High-Impact Checklist
Residential Plan Review High-Impact Checklist
County Orders & Resolutions
Counties may adopt an energy code and issue permits. SPEER assists this process with the following tools.
Local Government Amendments
Our tools help local jurisdictions amendment their energy codes to a more stringent standard than the state requirement.
Third Party Participation
Performance testing can be performed on every home by certified third-party energy-service providers.
Third Party Enforcement
Performance compliance enforcement can be performed by certified third-party energy-service providers. offers a wide range of resources for code officials and building safety professionals, including in-depth articles, short courses, and webinars on topics such as rooftop solar PV, energy storage systems, and building electrification. Stay current with the latest codes and standards for the safe installation and operation of clean energy systems and earn CEUs with free online courses from the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC).
Disaster Remediation
SPEER’s is closely linked to a massive network of cross-industry professionals, This support system ensures the continued top-notch quality of our indstry-driven performance products.
Hiring a Disaster Remediation Contractor
Natural disasters have a way of bringing out contractors who, either intentionally or unintentionally, due to bad management, do unacceptable work, or never actually complete the work they have been paid to do. Home and business owners can protect themselves by following good practices when hiring contractors.
Homes in Flood Hazard Zones
Prior to beginning reconstruction, homeowners should make sure they know if their home is in a Flood Hazard Zone, also called a Flood Plain. Flood hazard zone status is important because buildings in the “100-year” flood zone where the cost of rebuilding equals or is greater than 50% of the value of the building, must be rebuilt to meet Flood-Resistant Construction standards and may need to be elevated above the base flood elevation.
Rebuilding After a Disaster
In the recovery stage after a disaster, the natural impulse is to immediately begin work on rebuilding and worry about the details later. This can lead to costly mistakes and delays in getting permits or certificates of occupancy. This handout gives builders, contractors, and homeowners some guidance on what is required when rebuilding your home or building.
When is a Permit Required?
Texans along 350 miles of the gulf coast have begun the process of cleaning up and rebuilding homes and businesses. This process is long and often difficult and confusing to home and building owners. This short guide will provide basic information to get the ball rolling toward recovery. These are general guidelines, each city or county may have additional or different requirements. Please contact your local permitting office for more locally specific information.
Partner List
SPEER’s is closely linked to a massive network of cross-industry professionals, This support system ensures the continued top-notch quality of our indstry-driven performance products.
Texas A&M Energy Systems Lab
The Texas A&M Energy Systems Laboratory evaluates local amendments to the state energy code for compliance with Texas state law, reports on the impacts of statewide energy codes and provides builder self-certification forms for homes built in unincorporated areas of Texas for builders and raters.
Texas State Energy Conservation Office
SECO is the state agency responsible for implementation of the energy code in Texas; their website offers a number of valuable resources and links.
Insurance Services Office
A leading source of information about property/casualty insurance risk, supporting the adoption of current building codes. They assess community’s codes and enforcement practices, and their ratings impact the local cost of commercial and personal lines of insurance. The assessments place special emphasis on loss mitigation from natural hazards.
Air Conditioning Contractors of America
ACCA provides free resources for code officials who need to increase their understanding of residential HVAC design tools like Manuals J, D and S.
Industry Tools
Reference guides for energy code topics. Part of SPEER’s ongoing commitment to providing the best possible information about energy code compliance
Builder's Information from TAMU ESL
Self-certification forms for homes built in unincorporated areas of Texas for builders and raters.
National Building Code Assessment Report
From ISO, this report contains valuable information about the state of building code adoption in Texas and Oklahoma and the impact of delayed code adoption and lax code enforcement on hazard insurance rates.
Energy Star Certification
Homes receiving EPA Energy Star New Homes Program certification of energy code equivalency are considered to be in compliance with the state energy code according to Texas state law. The ENERGY STAR New Homes guidelines require that provisions that overlap between the state code and ENERGY STAR must meet the more stringent of the two. ENERGY STAR for New Homes V3.1 is considered equivalent and approximately 8% more efficient than the state energy code.
Code Compliance Software
There are a number of software tools that can assist with energy code compliance. Some, such as RESCheck and COMCheck are free and can be used by anyone. Others like REM/Rate and EnergyGauge are proprietary and must be purchased.