SPEER's 2024 Industry + Policy Workshop

SOLD OUT: This year’s SPEER Industry + Policy Workshop will be held in Austin at the Archer Hotel on September 19-20th. We look forward to seeing you soon for insightful discussions and presentations from energy experts and leaders focused on the most pressing energy matters in our region.

New Blog: "Resiliency is the Name of the Power Outage Game"

Photo Credit: Climate Central

SPEER Managing Director, Liz John, wrote about the need for increased weatherization, adopting stronger building codes, and deployment of distributed energy resources and their positive impacts to consumer costs in a recent SPEER blog.

"Watt's Up" With Representative Gina Hinojosa?

In the newest discussion from our video series “Watt’s Up”, we had the opportunity to speak with Representative Gina Hinojosa, representing House District 49, to review our grid resources, how to develop a workforce prepared for increased resource mixture, and what the Representative is looking forward to in the upcoming session.

"Oklahoma: Powering Forward" Newsletter

Welcome to SPEER’s first Oklahoma newsletter! We are excited to bring you energy & efficiency related news focused on developments both nationally and locally in Oklahoma. We’ll cover policy, legislative advocacy, grant opportunities, climate action plan adoption, the changing landscape of building codes, ways local governments are driving efficiency forward + more!

About us:

The South-central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource (SPEER) is a regional energy efficiency organization (REEO) with a mission to accelerate the adoption of advanced building systems and energy efficient products & services in our region, Texas and Oklahoma.

We will accomplish our mission by:
• Building and leading diverse partnerships among all stakeholders;
• Providing science-based resources and trainings for our membership and partners; and
• Promoting policies that advance energy efficiency technology, research, and other innovations.