by SPEER | Mar 9, 2021 | Blog, Policy
Energy efficiency can help solve some the biggest problems facing Texas right now: resource adequacy, or grid reliability, and resilience during our summer heat waves or winter storms, as we recently experienced. One might ask, what has efficiency done for us so far?...
by SPEER | Apr 17, 2018 | News, Policy
Technology is driving changes to the ERCOT grid! Allowing solar, wind, storage and energy efficient buildings to be leveraged as resources can benefit customers by keeping prices down, while providing reliability, resilience, and self-sufficiency of the electric grid....
by Liz John | Feb 20, 2018 | News, Policy, Press Release
FERC decision last week mandating the integration of electric storage into wholesale power markets is likely to affect the viability of peaking resources and mitigate power price spikes during scarcity events, and spur additional investments in energy storage outside...
by Liz John | Aug 4, 2017 | News, Policy
The SPEER Commission recently released a broad consensus policy position statement on utility investment in energy efficiency. Investor-owned utilities in Texas should have a financial incentive to invest in non-wires alternatives to traditional infrastructure...
by Liz John | Jun 27, 2017 | News, Policy
The SPEER Commission on Energy Policy found general agreement that increased investment in various forms of efficiency and distributed energy could benefit both utilities and consumers, but for this to happen, a new approach to regulation would be required. Read...
by Liz John | Oct 17, 2016 | News, Policy
After reading SPEER’s Improving Access to Smart Meter Data in Texas Report, Greentech Media agrees that the benefits of smart meters aren’t being realized. They go on to state “Texas Has Millions of Smart Meters. So Why Haven’t Third-Party Energy...