3rd Annual Summit Breakout Session
Introduced by: Christopher Lubeck, OSRAM Sylvania
Did you know that the commercial buildings sector uses a third of its electricity on lighting, so what better place for the market to look for energy savings? In the last 30 years, many improved and more efficient lighting technologies, like LEDs, have been introduced to the market, but have not yet reached substantive market transformation. In existing buildings’ fluorescent fixture systems, almost half the sockets in the US, still use T12 lighting applications. While T8 and T5 fluorescent fixtures are known to be much more efficient than the older T12 application, T12 fixtures still dominate the commercial sector due to the ease of replacement and the lower cost of replacement versus retrofit. In the residential sector there are many efficient lighting technology options, but the consumer or homeowner often places higher value on the price of the fixture rather than the efficiency of the product. This sector gravitates toward “not dark, cheap” and is typically uninterested in efficacy or lifetime performance. This session will focus on how we can encourage more interest in lighting efficacy, lifetime performance, and energy efficiency, including use of LEDs. Can SPEER, its members and Summit participants help to identify ways to accelerate trends supporting efficient lighting in residential, commercial and outdoor applications?
Participants in this breakout discussion include Rene Burger, Philips; Marc Migliazzo, EIS Lighting; Irina Rasputnis, Design Lights Consortium; and Dennis Lilley, Austin Energy.