Energy Management Best Practices


  • The Department of Energy’s Guide to Community Energy Strategic Planning offers a comprehensive step-by-step guideline and tools for establishing energy management programs.
  • Accessing and organizing energy data is a time-consuming but valuable first step in energy management. SECO resources help reduce the burden of organizing data and identifying savings.
  • “SMART” (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals can help ensure municipal energy management goals are designed for success.
  • Training and certification programs like Building Operator Certification (BOC), Certified Energy Manager (CEM), and Accredited Texas Energy Manager (ATEM) prepare building operators to run building systems correctly and efficiently.

Guide to Community Energy Strategic Planning (CESP)

Other Best Practices in Energy Management

Set SMART Goals

Case Study: Breakdown Silos

Operate and Maintain Building Correctly