3rd Annual Summit Breakout Session
Introduced by: Michael Quinn, CTO of Oncor
Distributed energy resources, increasing renewable energy generation, electrification of transportation, big data and the internet of things, are creating either a perfect storm or a perfect opportunity for the distribution utility of the future. This working session was formed to address the complexity of this converging set of issues from the perspective of the utility and utility regulatory framework. How are utilities addressing these challenges? How can consumers and the industry driving these trends benefit from this convergence without undermining the health of our utilities? Are there new services or partnership opportunities opening up? Oncor has proposed a massive storage project which would see the regulated utility’s role change significantly. Can utilities embrace distributed energy resources as Oncor proposes, and what does this mean for the utility business model and for utility regulation? Come to this session to learn the latest thinking on this in our region, give your input, and help us develop a way forward.
Participants in this breakout discussion include Eric Gimon of Energy Innovation, and a major contributor to America’s Power Plan; Dr. Carl Linvill of the Regulatory Assistance Project; Mark Lane, EVP of THG Energy Solutions; and Dr. Neal Elliott, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.