3rd Annual Summit Breakout Session
Introduced by: Cade Burks, Big Data Energy Services
How do we make it as easy as possible for customers to use energy more intelligently and efficiently? Texas has deployed smart meters to nearly every customer in the competitive regions of the state, covering approximately 80% of the state’s consumption. Customers can access their data, or share their energy data with third-party energy management providers through the Smart Meter Texas portal. Retail Electric Providers are increasing the number of offerings that utilize smart meter data and provide price signals for their customers to shift their usage. Taking advantage of customer data, Oklahoma Gas and Electric has pioneered one of the largest residential demand response programs in the country. While there is some initial success in utilizing this granular data, the potential is significant. SPEER is developing a “Roadmap” to increase smart energy data usage which will be finalized after the Summit. This session will discuss some of the concepts and stakeholder’s ideas to further develop the Roadmap.
Participants in this breakout discussion include Austin Whitman, First Fuel; John Schatz, TXU; Cade Burks, Big Energy Data; Ed Smith, Intelligent Energy Solutions.