CELC Webinar :How to use Data to Create Stories

What makes a story engaging? Characters, setting, a seemingly impossible conflict to be resolved in the final pages. Context and detail are vital elements for anyone wanting to go from numbers in a spreadsheet to comprehension on the faces of colleagues and partners. In this webinar, learn how to identify the key elements of data […]

CELC Webinar: Air Quality Related to Energy Efficiency

Heating and cooling buildings use a lot of energy — about 43% of all energy use in the United States. Producing this energy requires us to burn fossil fuels like coal and oil, which contributes to air pollution and generates large amounts of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.  Understanding the connection between air […]

CELC Webinar: Identifying Energy Burdens & Improving Energy Equity

TEPRI, in collaboration with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA), co-developed the Energy Equity Inspector – a geospatial tool to help identify and highlight the depth of energy burdens and environmental impacts in communities in the southeastern United States. This tool illuminated the alarming scale of unaffordable energy and environmental threats across Texas. In this […]

CELC Webinar: Plug loads management for commercial buildings

Plug and process loads consume about 47% of primary energy in U.S. commercial buildings, according to the DOE. Plug and process loads refer to energy used by equipment plugged into an outlet. In minimally code-compliant office buildings, plug loads may account for up to 25% of total energy consumption. But plug loads may account for […]

CELC Webinar: ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) & South Central Cohort Information Session

CELC webinars are intended to extend the conversation about public sector energy management best practices through education, training, and discussion. Webinars are open to anyone interested in public energy management in Texas, Oklahoma, and beyond. Learn more about ICLEI. Have questions or idea for future webinars? Contact Shaun Auckland, Local Government Program Manager, SPEER, cities@eepartnership.org. […]