Oklahoma Gas & Electric:
Energy Technology Center
220 E. Wilshire Blvd.
Oklahoma City, Ok 73105
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Dallas, Texas: Course Flyer
- September 17-18, 2019 |BOC 1001 Energy Efficient Operation of Building HVAC Systems
- October 9, 2019 | BOC 1002 Measuring and Benchmarking Energy Performance
- October 29, 2019 | BOC 1003 Efficient Lighting Fundamentals
- November 20, 2019 | BOC 1004 HVAC Controls Fundamentals
- December 12, 2019 | BOC 1005 Indoor Environmental Quality
- January 7, 2020 | BOC 1006 Common Opportunities for Low-Cost Operational Improvement
- January 30, 2020 | BOC 1007 Facility Electrical Systems
- TBA | BOC Certification Examination
Coming soon: Central Texas