Step 3: Track Energy Data and Benchmark Performance

When it comes to building energy use, a commonly repeated adage is: You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Building energy benchmarking is the process of measuring a building’s energy use and comparing performance to similar buildings. Benchmarking provides local...

Step 2: Breakdown Silos

Managing municipal energy use often requires coordination of a variety of departments within the city government including finance, accounting, procurement, facilities, and sustainability departments. Communicating and coordinating energy management goals and plans...

Step 1: Have a Plan

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin As we discussed in the introduction, there are many reasons why a local government may want to pursue energy efficiency internally and support community energy efficiency goals. Having a plan to...

Best Practices in Action

Today, SPEER, in partnership with the Houston Advanced Research Center and the State Energy Conservation Office, released another case study highlighting city initiatives to accelerate energy efficiency. This demonstrates a best practice in improving city facilities...