This new Guide is now available for download at

“This Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation Guide describes the common terminology, structures, and approaches used for determining (evaluating) energy and demand savings as well as avoided emissions and other non-energy benefits resulting from facility (non-transportation) energy efficiency program that are implemented by local governments, states, utilities  private companies, and nonprofits. While this guide does not recommend specific approaches, it provides context  planning guidance, and discussion of issues that determine the most appropriate evaluation objectives and best practices approaches for different efficiency portfolios. By using standard evaluation terminology and structures and best practices approaches, evaluations can support the adoption, continuation, and expansion of effective efficiency actions.

The primary audiences for this guide are energy regulators; public and private energy efficiency portfolio administrators such as utilities, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies; program implementers; and evaluators looking for guidance on the following:

  • The evaluation process and approaches for determining program impacts
  • Planning evaluation efforts
  • Key issues associated with establishing evaluation frameworks for improving the efficacy of energy efficiency portfolios, documenting the impacts of such portfolios, and comparing demand- and supply-side resources.”