Despite multiple benefits and tremendous savings, many cities struggle to complete streetlight retrofit projects due to regulatory, tariff, funding, or internal capacity barriers. Several implementation guides, including one developed by SPEER, offer step-by-step guidance for, and illustrate the business case of, streetlight retrofit projects. A case study of El Paso’s successful retrofit project supports the case for emerging projects. The US Department of Energy offers an array of resources and tools to guide decisions, draft specifications, prepare financial analyses, and analyze outdoor lighting retrofit projects.
* Adapted from Regulatory Issues and Approaches to Municipal LED Street Lighting Conversions
Cities should consult with the local electric utility to understand rates and charges that apply to municipally-owned and utility-owned street lights, clarifying how tariffs are distinguished between LED and conventional street lighting technologies. Unfavorable tariffs can substantially limit cost savings from LED lighting retrofits. Refer to section 1.4 of Regulatory Issues and Approaches to Municipal LED Street Lighting Conversions for LED tariff best practices.
Work with your utility, city finance departments, and/or energy service companies (ESCOs) to assess number and location of street lights, fixture type and wattage, utility vs. city owned, metered vs. unmetered, and maintenance arrangement. ESCOs often include this inventory service in their standard retrofit contracts. The business case for converting municipally-owned street lights is generally strongest, the Department of Energy’s Street Lighting Acquisition Evaluation Tool helps calculate the financial value of acquiring your city’s street lights from a utility.
Cities should contact the utility’s commercial energy efficiency program to determine availability of incentives for municipal outdoor lighting and street light retrofits.
It may make more sense for the city to start with a limited retrofit pilot to test various technologies ahead of a full-scale conversion. Cities can the street light inventory to identify critical or highest value retrofit opportunities.
Entities can complete a high level financial analysis based on known or estimated energy savings, cost savings from tariffs, and estimated construction costs. If the utility’s lighting tariff is a barrier to the project’s financial viability, cities should prepare a detailed financial analysis to support tariff modification. Refer to section 2.1 of Regulatory Issues and Approaches to Municipal LED Street Lighting Conversions for guidance on the tariff revision process.
LED retrofit projects, like other energy efficiency projects, can be self-funded, financed through SECO’s LoanSTAR revolving loan program, or installed at no up-front cost through an ESCO’s energy services performance contract (ESPC). See the City Project Financing module for more information on financing energy efficiency projects.
Cities will collaborate with contractors, manufacturers, and lighting experts to develop the specification language and test various lighting technologies. This will help to ensure the final bids are well-suited for the project needs. LEOTEK’s A Municipal Guide for Converting to LED Street Lighting offers a sample preliminary specification.
Project managers should work with city purchasing departments to comply with procurement procedures. If considering a third-party turnkey contractor or a performance contract, issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) may be more appropriate.
Quotations and/or proposals conduct a more detailed financial analysis to verify previous financial feasibility assumptions, provide justification to city management, and provide baseline data for future project verification. Cities can use the Street and Parking Facility Lighting Retrofit Financial Analysis Tool to compute annualized energy and energy-cost savings, maintenance savings, greenhouse gas reductions, net present value, and simple payback associated with potential lighting upgrades.
Cities select the contract based on various factors, including results from pilot tests, up-front cost, warranty and maintenance packages, contractor reputation, and other selection criteria specific to the city’s procurement standards.
Due to their much longer useful life as compared to conventional technologies, LED Street lights may not align with a city’s standard maintenance practices. In this case, cities should develop a long term maintenance program that involves spot-replacement of components and luminaire cleaning as detailed in LEOTEK’s A Municipal Guide for Converting to LED Street Lighting.
Entities collect data to verify estimated savings based on detailed financial analysis. Savings should be captured in terms of energy and cost as well as social impact metrics, like GHG emissions reductions.
El Paso expects to save over $2.4 million per year in energy and maintenance costs as the result of upgrading its outdoor lighting to LEDs. El Paso’s successful project serves as an example for local governments who are exploring an LED street lighting retrofit.
Read the City of El Paso’s LED Streetlight Retrofit case study here for more information on the city’s process, challenges, costs, and expected payback of the project.
U.S. DOE Better Buildings program also created a Toolkit for organizations who wish to upgrade to high-efficiency lighting solutions for surface and structured parking. Highlights of the toolkit include:
Need additional assistance? SPEER provides LED street lighting technical assistance to local governments. Contact SPEER and we can help you begin your LED retrofit project.
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