Texas Energy Code Compliance Collaborative

Texas Energy Code Compliance Collaborative

The Texas Energy Code Compliance Collaborative (TECCC) was launched by SPEER in 2011 in partnership with State Energy Conservation Office (SECO).

The PURPOSE of the Collaborative is to facilitate compliance with the State’s building energy codes statewide and serve as a reliable and unbiased source for information on building energy codes and code compliance in Texas. We use this collaborative effort to coordinate actions and policies affecting energy code compliance, and to identify and prioritize steps needed to achieve full compliance with building energy codes.

Multiple stakeholders are asked to participate because “a rising tide lifts all boats”. Progress in any jurisdiction and in any segment of the building industry has a ripple effect that benefits others. We will all achieve industry goals more effectively and quickly by working together.

The RESPONSIBILITIES of Collaborative members are:

  • To help to develop strategies to increase compliance rates;
  • To provide and disseminate information to their respective industry stakeholders; and
  • To participate in the effort to measure and verify the State’s code compliance.

The 2015 Energy Codes were adopted, and they became effective statewide in the autumn of 2016. Each Collaborative member serves as a sounding board and a spokesperson for information exchange, training, and resources. The group has acknowledged that local adoption of the energy code is the first step to compliance.

SPEER, in collaboration with SECO, also published the Texas Energy Code Adoption Toolkit to provide access to resources identified through work with this Collaborative, including a list of cities and the residential energy codes that are currently adopted.  We hope this will provide useful information to local governments and building industry professionals.

The TECCC meets quarterly, except in the spring, when Collaborative members and the general public are invited to attend the SPEER Summit for the breakout discussion on Energy Codes.

Please contact SPEER if you would like to be part of this Collaborative.

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