Critical Infrastructure and CHP

3rd Annual Summit Breakout Session

Introduced by: Lynn Crawford, Affiliated Engineers

CHP’s resurgence is being catalyzed by low natural gas prices, environmental pressures, and policymaker support.  This breakout invites industry professionals and municipal leaders to share benefits and barriers encountered in the adoption of CHP technologies. Texas Law HB 1864, passed in 2013 requires ALL local and state governments to consider CHP when updating or building new critical infrastructure.  Attendees will learn about the US DOE CHP Technical Assistance Partnership and its resources to support building owners and decision makers to determine whether CHP is a feasible option for their facility to improve energy efficiency and resiliency.  Industry stakeholders will discuss CHP’s efficiency cost savings benefits, new tariffs, and other policy and economic drivers influencing CHP development.

Participants in this breakout discussion include: Julie Myhre, P.E., US DOE SW CHP TAP; Scott Jarman; Austin Energy, Fred Yebra, Energy Engineer, State Energy Conservation Office, Joe Kent, Industrial Business Development, Texas Gas Service; and Farshad Shahsavary, Energy and Engineering Manager, Texas Facilities Commission.

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