71% of the population of Texas lives in 41 counties currently in non-attainment or near non-attainment with the Clean Air Act. In order to curb air pollution associated with electricity consumption, Health and Safety Code §388.005 requires energy efficiency programs in political subdivisions, institutions of higher education and state agency facilities located in these affected counties in Texas.
Local Government / State Agency Energy Reporting Frequently Asked Questions:
SPEER has developed a Frequently Asked Questions guide to support political subdivisions with their 2022 reporting, and we are available to answer questions or provide technical support to any reporting entities. If you have questions about reporting requirements please reach out to SPEER’s Local Government Program Manager at cities@eepartnership.org.
Each political subdivision, institution of higher education or state agency in the affected counties is required by state law to:
Find more information on the State Energy Conservation Office here.
Download this Reporting Template for collecting data and submitting the report.
Training and Educational Outreach:
Online and in person training on statute requirements, developing an energy plan, data collection and analysis, and energy management best practices.
One-on-One Support:
SPEER’s local government program staff is available to meet with city staff and elected officials to facilitate energy efficiency planning and reporting.
Portfolio Baselining and Benchmarking:
On-site assistance with utility data organization, benchmarking, and portfolio energy management tools such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
City Efficiency Leadership Council:
Collaborative of energy managers, facility staff, financial departments, and other public sector staff working on energy management available to share energy management resources and insight.
Local Government Energy Reporting for 2023
Congratulations to the following organizations who committed to energy management goals in 2023 to ensure responsible use of government funds, avoid wasted resources, strengthen voter confidence, and improve transparency.
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