We can help.
Step 1.
There are two options to report your building’s annual energy benchmark rating: Portfolio Manager or enter your keycode. Please refer to the annual benchmarking letter mailed by Austin Energy.
Step 2.
Austin energy to provide language why you want to push for this.
Step 3.
Your Austin Energy account manager will provide a tailored and customized action plan to increase both your savings & your building’s efficiency.
Step 4.
Now is the time to implement low-costs/no-cost solutions. In addition to the options below you should consider:
Step 5.
Once you have taken advantage of the low hanging fruit opportunities, it is a good time to consider additional savings such as, capital improvement investments, various training opportunities and rebate applications.
Uncover potential energy savings with a self assessment.
It is a good idea to always monitor and have control of your company’s energy use. Use Austin Energy’s Load Profile to receive energy use data every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day. You will be able to digest your energy & demand usage with simple and easy to understand graphs, charts, tables, and reports.
What can you do with the Load Profiler?
An Energy Advisor expert from Austin Energy will identify no-cost, low-cost solutions with a free, on-site walk through energy assessment. They will develop cost saving solutions that you will be able to put into action and can then take advantage of more savings with Austin Energy’s rebate + incentive programs.
Lighting typically makes up 20-40% of your electric bill. There are numerous existing inefficient lighting systems that can be easily replaced with a variety of high efficiency lighting technologies and controls to provide better lighting quality and save energy and money.
Cooling & Ventilation: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has found that about 40% of energy costs for the average commercial building are spent on heating, cooling and ventilation. In 2012, a DOE study found that U.S. commercial building owners could save an average of 38% on heating and cooling costs if they install an energy efficient HVAC control system. The range of cost savings (22% to 56%) determined by the study depends on building size, building use, regional climate and local utility costs.
Learn about more efficient options, rebates and eligibility that Austin Energy has to offer on Chillers, Cooling Towers, Direct Expansion (DX) Air Conditioning, Energy Recovery Ventilators.
Space Heating: Space heating is a major use of energy in buildings nationwide. Past data suggest that space heating accounts about 36% of energy use in U.S. commercial buildings.
Learn more about renewable space heating and how it works.
Office + Computers
Have you considered plugged-in equipment that could be powered down when not in use to conserve energy and money on your utility bill? These include computers, printers, machinery, and other items that put a load on your power consumption unnecessarily.
Water heating
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